
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Welcome to our Kelsey Creek Farm Blog!

Natural farming? Management intensive grazing? Permaculture? Hugelkultur?? Homesteading? Child-rearing? Religious and philosophical ramblings? Dogs, chickens, GOATS?? What do all these terms mean and what do they have in common? Kelsey Creek Farm, that's what!

We are an all-natural farm in far Northeast Texas run by two "mature" semi-hippies turned city slickers, turned corporate cogs, turned country farmers, turned older semi-hippie nature lovers, who decided at one point enough with the breakneck pace and suburban chemical war zone (okay, that's a little more dramatic than the reality) of traditional growing! Time to get back to the natural order of things and nurture and learn from the natural world without breaking our backs (and minds) trying to control it.

Welcome to our blog. We are happy to bring you along on our journey as we skip and trip through our new understanding of how we think God intended us to live. Come along for the ride and get ready to share with us experiences that could change your life...if you would let them, that is.